Custom Training Programs from Ruth Riddick

Upcoming Events & Programs

Customized training at your location or ours.  Please contact us for details, or check back for posted trainings.

Opportunities include the following core programs specially tailored to meet professional and agency expectations:

  • Implementing Core Recovery Values
  • Peer Ethics
  • Recovery Coach Academy
  • Developing a Culture of Philanthropy in the Recovery Treatment Sector
  • Building Leadership in the Social Profit Board

One-Day Professional Training Program for Certified Coaches

  • Future training dates TBD

Learn How to Coach Clients in Addiction Recovery

  • How can I identify when clients are recovering from active addiction?
  • How does the addiction recovery process affect the coaching engagement?
  • How do I use new language to improve communication with recovering clients?

We now understand that prioritizing recovery and developing strategies for sober daily living are key characteristics of coaching clients with substance use disorders.  For coaches who are not themselves in recovery and may not know how to work with addiction, these priorities may present challenges.  Nonetheless, these challenges do not preclude engagement with the client in recovery.

This training demystifies addiction and recovery, and develops coaching skills, language and tools to respond effectively to clients in addiction recovery. Participants expand their understanding of and gain confidence in applying this learning in both their professional and personal lives.   

The International Coach Federation and the New York Certification Board have approved this program for 6 training hours.

Interested in a classroom program?